

炊艺屋 人气:1.5W



According to the Chinese 24 Solar Terms, now it's already the 13th Solar Term: the beginning of autumn, however the temperature in Shanghai is still stiflingly hot!

When you feel lazy, don't wanna move don't wanna cook, maybe salad will be the best choice :)


藜麦 Quinoa 30G
南瓜 Pumkin 200G
虾 Shrimp 5只/Piece
生菜 Lettuce 半颗/half
椰子油 Cocoanut Oil 2勺/2 table spoon
盐 Salt 少许
黑胡椒 Black Pepper 少许/a pinch

[超快手】烤南瓜藜麦虾仁沙拉 Quinoa with Grilled Pumkin and Shrip Salad的做法  

  1. 准备材料
    Prepare the materials
    Wash the lettuce
    After boiling the water, put a pinch of salt, and then put the shrimp into the boiled water. When it's done,  pick it up and let them cool down.

    [超快手 第2张
  2. 南瓜削皮,切厚片,拿一个大碗,放入切好的南瓜片,加入一勺椰子油和少许盐,混合均匀
    Peel the pumkin and slice the pumkin thickly. Take a bowl, put the pumkin inside and add a table spoon of cocoanut oil and pinch of salt and black pepper, mix the ingredients.

    [超快手 第3张
  3. 提前预热铸铁烤锅,放入南瓜煎烤至出现漂亮的烧烤纹路
    Preheat the cast-iron grill pan and grill the pumkin

    [超快手 第4张
  4. 藜麦加水,煮15分钟
    Put the Quinoa into the pot, add half liter of water and boil it for 15 mins.

    [超快手 第5张
  5. 将所有食材放凉后放入沙拉盘,加入一勺椰子油,少许盐和黑胡椒,搅拌均匀
    After cooling down the food, put them into a big salad mixing bowl. Adding 1 table spoon of coconaunt oil , a pinch of salt and black peper. And give it a good mx

    [超快手 第6张
  6. 装盘~开吃~听说苏打水和沙拉更配哦~

    Place them in a plate you like, Bon Appétit.
    I personally prefer spakling water with my salad, how about you?

    [超快手 第7张



In this recipe I used cast-iron grill pan to grill the pumkin, if you don't have it, you can also use the oven as the alternative. Preheat the oven into 180°C/
356℉, grill the pumkin for 20-30 mins.
